Cowrie dashboard

SSH Attack Trends 2024: Insights from a Cowrie Honeypot

As cyber threats continue to evolve, understanding the tactics used by attackers is crucial for bolstering defenses. This article delves into the latest SSH attack trends observed in 2024, using data gathered from a Cowrie honeypot. By analyzing login attempts, malware downloads, and attacker behaviors, we uncover the most common methods employed by cybercriminals and provide actionable insights for security professionals.

The Need for Security on Your IoT Devices

The term Internet of Things (IoT) has picked up in popularity as more and more devices are connected to the Internet. Everything from home refrigerators to industrial control systems have been found connected, and in many cases, with minimal to no security. What are the consequences? How should they be secured? Should IoT devices be avoided? Read below to find out.

CoinHive script running on Showtime website

Cryptocurrency Hacking and Hijacking

As Cryptocurrency such as bitcoin becomes more mainstream, attacks focusing on generating and/or stealing more of these coins are becoming more common. Since 2015, there have been several large-scale attacks on coin exchanges, and we’re now even seeing websites that are embedding code to hijack resources from visitors. So what does that mean for Internet users, and how to they prevent hijacking?